
For people with naturally sparse brows, achieving a fuller, even look requires makeup application daily, which can become a time-consuming hassle. Eyebrow tattoos provide a convenient alternative. While this form of permanent makeup can have transformative results, you need to follow a proper aftercare routine to ensure the work lasts and stays free of infection.

5 Tips to Take Care of Eyebrow Tattoos

1. Skip Cleansers & Makeup

Avoid applying makeup and washing the area for about two weeks after the procedure. This will help to ensure your brows heal properly and that nothing interferes with the color.  

2. Avoid Any Cosmetic Services

For about a month after you receive your cosmetic tattooing, steer clear of facials or Botox injections. These cosmetic services could impact the final results of your healed brows.

3. Stay Out of the Sun

As with any type of ink, tattooed eyebrows can fade with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Avoid sunlight as much as possible for about two weeks following your appointment, and thereafter, use sunscreen to prevent premature fading.

eyebrow tattoos4. Apply a Cream

Most artists recommend applying a cream to keep the tattooed area moisturized, which can promote healing. Ask your artist if they recommend a specific product, such as petroleum jelly, and how often it should be applied.

5. Don’t Rub or Scratch

During the healing process, brows may become itchy. A little itchiness and flaking is normal, but to prevent injury or infection, avoid rubbing or scratching the area.


If you’re seeking a reputable professional for eyebrow tattoos in the Honolulu, HI, area, look no further than Donna’s Cosmetic Artist. Donna has more than 30 years of experience specializing in cosmetic tattoos, including permanent eyeliner, lip liner, and lip color makeup for clients across Oahu. Learn more about her services online, or call (808) 536-1512 to schedule a consultation.
