
Are you selling a home? Once your house is officially off the market, it’s time to start the packing process. Many sellers wonder what they can keep or leave behind when vacating the property. To prevent any unnecessary conflict, Justyna Johnson – Edina Realty, the top real estate agent in Woodbury, MN, is here to provide her professional insight.

What You Can Leave Behind After Selling a Home

Permanent Fixtures

If removing a particular item would cause damage to the property, it’s considered a permanent fixture and must stay with the home. This typically includes any built-in appliances such as ovens, washing machines, and dishwashers.

Manufacturer Manuals & Warranties

If the built-in appliances in the home come with warranties and manufacturer manuals, this must also stay behind. This will help the buyer if they run into any issues with the equipment.

What You Can’t Leave Behind After Selling a Home


selling a homeRemove any garbage or boxes that are left on the property after all of your belongings are packed up. It’s important to leave the house in good condition, meaning the floors should be swept, bathrooms cleaned, and cabinets and countertops wiped down.

Personal Property

Anything you can detach or disconnect from your home with your bare hands is considered personal property, and it must be removed unless you have prior arrangements with the buyers. This includes items such as potted plants, free-standing appliances, and furniture.

Following the above advice will help ensure the handover process of a home goes as smoothly as possible. If you’re still in the process of selling a home and need an expert real estate agent, turn to Justyna Johnson – Edina Realty in Woodbury. She has the skills and expertise to help any client land a successful real estate transaction. Call (651) 501-2345 today to schedule a consultation with this premier real estate agent, or visit her website to browse her current real estate listings.

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