
Every summer, homeowners across the nation dread the rising costs of their energy bills. With the unbearably hot temperatures and an increased need for cool air, many believe there’s no avoiding the price hike. However, these high bills could mean that you’re using the air conditioning unit incorrectly. Here are some common AC errors to review.

5 Mistakes You Could Be Making With the AC

1. Blocking the Vents

Does your interior design take air conditioning vents into account? Many homeowners cover vents with furniture and rugs without a second thought, inadvertently cutting off air flow. When you limit how much air is getting into rooms, the unit has to work twice as hard to cool the home. Check that all the vents are clear.

2. Overworking the Unit

It’s tempting to set the thermostat as low as possible as soon as you get home, but you shouldn’t do that. Constantly lowering the temperature wastes a lot of energy. Leave it just high enough to be comfortable and adjust it while you’re away from the house. 

3. Neglecting Maintenance

air conditioning unitEven if you believe the heating and air system is in top shape, schedule routine maintenance. This should be done in the spring, before you turn on the AC, and during the fall, before you switch on the heat. HVAC contractors have the tools and expertise to check for any issues, perform necessary repairs, and ensure the system will run smoothly.

4. Not Changing the Filter

All AC systems have a filter that catches dust and debris before they enter the living space. If you don’t change or clean those filters regularly, the grime collects and blocks air flow, lowering the efficiency of the air conditioning unit. Swap or clean them out every couple of months, or once a month if you have pets.

5. Using Old Thermostats

Some keep their old thermostats and think that it couldn’t hurt their updated system. However, outdated thermostats have trouble reading temperatures, making the air conditioning unit work overtime. Invest in a programmable thermostat and set the system to run less when you’re away. Some of them even have remote capabilities, letting you adjust temperatures from your smartphone.


Whether your air conditioning unit is acting up or simply needs routine maintenance, contact the HVAC contractors at C & S Heating and Cooling for the job. Located in Wentzville, MO, these professionals will service all components of any air and heating unit. They also provide 24/7 emergency repair services. Call (636) 327-4238 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
