
As much as we love our pets, they can occasionally leave a mess inside the house. As the team at Henry’s Services in Anchorage, AK, notes, pet urine stains are much more than just an eyesore. They can actually have notable health consequences as well. Below are a few reasons to enlist professional carpet cleaning services to help you get rid of pet urine stains.

Carpet Cleaning & How Pet Urine Impacts Your Health

1. Ammonia Exposure

carpet cleaningPet urine contains ammonia, which can pose a wide range of health complications. Inhalation of ammonia fumes can cause lightheadedness and fainting, as well as skin and eye irritation. In rooms with poor ventilation, continued exposure can also trigger pneumonia or asthma attacks. Children and those with a lower body weight are at a greatest risk of experiencing these health problems.

2. Mildew Growth

If pet urine isn’t cleaned up quickly, the moisture can actually cause the cotton fibers beneath your carpet to rot, eventually resulting in mildew growth. Mold and mildew have been linked to a wide range of respiratory issues, and those who have allergies to these substances could experience a severe reaction.

3. Leptospirosis

Though not as common as other side effects of pet urine, it is worth noting that these stains may also expose you to leptospirosis bacteria. This disease is often contracted by dogs, and exposure to pet urine can spread the bacteria to humans. In addition to the subsequent flu-like symptoms, severe cases can actually contribute to liver disease.

Whether you need carpet cleaning or mold removal, you can trust Henry’s Services to provide top-quality work for your home. Serving the area since 1962, their licensed team is available for emergency disaster mitigation and home remodeling work. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (907) 344-4200.
