
With all the rain we’ve had recently, it’s hard to imagine having to water our lawns. However, dry and scorching weather will be here before you know it. So now’s the time to start thinking about irrigation installation. If you struggle with watering your lawn during summer, installing a sprinkler system can help keep your landscape in great condition. Here are some additional benefits to make installing an irrigation system an easy choice. 

3 Advantages of Irrigation Installation for Summertime 

1. Automatic 

One of the primary reasons irrigation systems are so popular is because they provide an automatic way to handle yard maintenance. If you struggle to remember to water the yard regularly or remember how much water is needed, installing a sprinkler system is a good solution. Irrigation installation is a way to make certain you water consistently, evenly, and effectively all summer long. 

2. Customizable 

irrigation-installation in sandersville, GAFor those with extensive landscaping features or areas that have specific needs, an irrigation system allows you to customize your watering strategy. By outfitting your yard with a sprinkler system, you can ensure every area of your yard receives the frequency and amount of water it needs each day. There are a wide range of sprinkler types, including revolving, stationary, and traveling sprinklers, to suit every type of watering need and plant sensitivity. 

3. Economical

Water is one of nature’s scarce natural resources, so conservation is an important consideration when creating a summer watering schedule. Irrigation installation helps you conserve by allowing you to water overnight, when there are cooler temperatures are cooler. A sprinkler system can also be easily adjusted to compensate for periods of drought. 


If you’re considering installing a sprinkler system this summer but still have questions, Keith McDonald Plumbing Inc. is always happy to share the benefit of their decades of experience. With locations in Sandersville, Milledgeville, and Dublin, they’ve become one of the area’s leading plumbing services – equipped to perform everything from small leaks and drips to entire septic tank and drain field installation and repair. Call them today at (478) 552-8259 to learn more about their services, or visit their website for a closer look at what they do. 
