
There are several ways a fire can start in your home; cooking equipment was the primary cause of fires from 2011 to 2015, followed by faulty heating systems. In some cases, fire extinguishers were successfully used to put out flames before it spread and caused further damage, making them a critical part of the safety measures for homes and businesses.

3 Reasons Fire Extinguishers Are Essential

1. First Line of Defense

fire extinguishersBusinesses are required by law to have fire extinguishers available on their premises. And, while there are no similar regulations governing homes, it’s still prudent to have fire safety equipment installed. Timely use is often effective in extinguishing fires if it’s done properly with the right type of extinguisher. A study revealed that over 80 percent of fires were contained with portable extinguishers before an emergency response team arrived.

2. Can Save Lives & Property

Before putting out the flame, implement an evacuation plan to ensure that everyone exits safely. Fires can often get out of control in minutes, leaving you trapped if you become disoriented and unaware of your surroundings. Remember to prioritize your safety since lives are more important than property.

3. Helps Protect the Environment

Because extinguishers play a crucial role in managing fire at its early stages, they are effective in protecting the environment by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, minimizing water use, and keeping the pollutant levels from fires and wastewater runoff manageable.


Familiarizing yourself with how fire extinguishers work can help you respond faster to emergencies and save lives. For your fire safety equipment needs including live fire extinguisher training, turn to the experts at Fire Protection Specialists in Bangor, WI. Call (800) 658-9463 to learn more about fire safety maintenance or visit them online for an extensive list of their services.
