
Not all household appliances are created equal, with some using far more of a home’s electrical supply than others. Fortunately, there are small tricks you can use to cut down on the energy bill. Here’s a handy guide to some of the biggest electricity-draining culprits in your home from the heating and cooling specialists at Osterwisch Company in Cincinnati, OH.

The Top 4 Power-Draining Appliances

1. Heating and Cooling

It’s all too common for energy bills to spike during the heat of summer and the dead of winter due to our heating and cooling systems working overtime to keep us at a comfortable temperature. To save energy, try to move the thermostat 10 degrees higher or lower than you usually do when you leave the house, so you aren’t putting it on full blast 24/7.

2. Refrigerator

heating and coolingRefrigerators can be a major energy drainer, as they need to be left on all day and night to prevent food from going bad. But, you can still cut down on energy by keeping a clean refrigerator and throwing away food that’s just been sitting there. The fridge doesn’t have to work harder to maintain its temperature.

3. Water Heater

Between laundry, showers, and dishwashing, the water heater works overtime all year to provide you with hot water, and it takes up a lot of energy in the process. Consider turning down the maximum temperature on your water heater to a lower limit to prevent it from taking up more electricity than it needs.

4. Lighting

Leaving light bulbs on all the time will make a notable dent in the electricity bill, but fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce light usage. Always turn the lights off whenever you leave a room, and switch to more energy-efficient bulbs, like LEDs or CFLs, to save on both electricity and replacement costs.

It’s important that the home appliances are working in peak condition to ensure that they aren’t using up any more energy than is necessary, so get in touch with Osterwisch Company in Cincinnati, OH if you’re having any electrical issues. Whether you need heating and cooling maintenance, or even plumbing work, Osterwisch Company offers high-quality services and prices that can’t be beat. To learn more about their electrical services, visit their website or call (513) 791-3282.
