
Although many people chew their nails to alleviate stress, the simple act of nail biting can be detrimental to your teeth. The bad habit can cause everything from uneven wear patterns to dental fractures. Fortunately, by making a few changes at home, you can curb this habit and see improvement during an upcoming dental exam. Here are three ways to stop biting your nails today. 

3 Tips for Dumping a Nail Biting Habit

1. Trim Your Nails Short

You can’t chew fingernails that are too short to bite, so consider keeping your fingernails short. Using a pair of clean nail clippers, trim your nails as close to the quick as you can, and file them daily to maintain their short length. If you notice they are growing out, trim them again until you no longer have the desire to bite your nails. Although it might take a few weeks to curb the habit, avoiding nail biting could help prevent problems like gum lacerations and rouge nail clippings lodged in gum tissue discovered during dental exams. 

2. Get a Manicure 

dentistTo avoid the temptation to bite your nails, consider getting a professional manicure. If you are a woman who wants to beautify your hands, ask for a gel manicure, which will stay strong and shiny for weeks.

If you are a guy who doesn’t want to draw attention to their hands, consider asking for a basic trim and buff, which will smooth your fingernails and give them a natural sheen. 

3. Use Anti-Biting Polish

Sometimes, even short, well-maintained nails aren’t enough to ward off biting, which is why many people turn to anti-biting nail polish. These clear, matte polishes contain special food-safe chemicals that are bitter to the taste, making nail biting unpleasant.


Whether you are struggling with nail biting or you are concerned about a recent dental injury, the team at Rachel E. Gold, DMD – Total Health Dentistry in Cold Spring, KY, will help you to tackle your problems. With a focus on overall health and wellness, Dr. Gold checks your smile carefully during dental exams for problems that could indicate other medical issues. To protect your teeth and your health today, book a dental exam by sending her office a message online or by calling (859) 441-1230.
