
Over time, many people experience discoloration or staining of their teeth—especially those who consume a lot of coffee, soda, or red wine. If you are unhappy with the coloring of your smile, you have likely tried some form of teeth whitening with varying degrees of success. While at-home techniques may lighten the shade, there a few benefits to having your dentist perform this service for you. Below are a few of the top advantages.

4 Reasons to Ask About Professional Teeth Whitening

1. Customized Treatment

When you opt for whitening treatments with a dentist, they can inspect your teeth and design the whitening regimen especially for you. Instead of trays or strips that don’t quite fit your mouth, your dentist will apply a protective gel to increase comfort and tooth protection. Additionally, the strength and duration of the treatment can be adjusted based on the dentist’s observation of your needs, which often leads to a healthier smile.

2. Faster & Stronger  

teeth whiteningDentists have access to medical-strength treatment materials only available to licensed professionals. The increased amount of peroxide in a professional whitening treatment means you will see better results in much less time. Instead of using store-bought treatments for months, you may only need to have a few teeth whitening appointments with your dentist until you are satisfied with the results.

3. Improved Smile

There is no doubt that a white smile is more appealing than an off-white smile. After your treatment is complete, you’ll be ready to show off your pearly whites in pictures and let your guard down for smiles and laughs with family and friends. Also, some people find that a whiter smile diminishes the appearance of wrinkles. Instead of noticing crow-eyes or aging signs around your face, people will be more likely to notice your smile.

4. Confidence Boost

With whiter, brighter teeth, you won’t feel as self-conscious when flashing a smile. Plus, a happy, beautiful smile is infectious. As you begin to smile more due to your beautiful teeth, you’ll find that your daily interactions and relationships will improve as you begin to feel more positive.


If you are ready to upgrade your smile with professional teeth whitening, get in touch with the dental experts at Hill Country Dental Associates, in Kerrville, TX. These highly trained dental professionals will help you achieve the charming smile you deserve. In addition to cosmetic dental services, this general dentistry also specializes in restorative procedures, pediatric dentistry, and dental emergencies. To learn more about their services visit them online, and call them at (830) 257-3000 to schedule an appointment.
