
With warm weather on the way, you are probably getting your air conditioner ready for its critical task of cooling your home. While your unit may seem fine now, nobody wants a broken unit in the middle of the summer heat. To be sure you’re not left uncomfortable, below is a brief list of some air conditioning repairs to watch out for as temperatures rise.

Air Conditioning Repairs You May Need This Summer

1. Refrigerant Leaks

If you notice your home isn’t cooling when you are running your air conditioner, you may have a leak in the refrigerant line. These lines require sealing and insulating, and if those seals have weakened, coolant will not be able to do its job to keep comfortable temperatures inside. Air conditioning repair experts can inspect for leaks or broken components.

2. Noises

You may hear a squealing sound if the fan belt is broken or the motor is burning out. Fan belts are relatively simple to repair and will not leave you without your air conditioner for long, but motors are a bigger repair. If other strange noises emanate from your system, such as buzzing and rattling, you may have a loose screw, or something needs to be lubricated.

3. Air Flow

air conditioning repairWhen you can’t get comfortable, or your unit shuts off too quickly, inspect your filter. Dirty, clogged filters will inhibit air flow and cause incorrect readings for optimal temperatures. Filters should be replaced at least every two months, monthly if you have pets or live in an excessively dusty environment. Also, check that your outdoor components are clear of any debris and vegetation that can disrupt air flow.

4. Thermostat

If your unit isn’t turning on, check that the thermostat is on “cool” and that batteries are fresh. If nothing works, check your circuit breakers for a tripped fuse. When none of the above fixes the problem, your repair may be as simple as needing a new thermostat to repair poor communication between it and your air conditioner.

5. Puddles

Puddles of water indicate trouble with the tube that collects moisture from condensation in your HVAC. Water should collect in a pan and then flow out to a drain or sump basin. If it’s pooling, however, something is inhibiting flow, which can mean clogs, crimps, or a complete disconnection of the line. Flushing the line for blocks or replacing components will solve the issue and not break your bank.


For air conditioning repair in the North Franklin area of Connecticut, give James Carboni Plumbing and Heating, Inc. a call. Since 1963, the plumbing company has been the top choice for residents for repairs and installations as well as bathroom remodeling, water tanks, and more. The company is also a proud supporter of community organizations such as the Town of Franklin & Town of Lebanon Little Leagues, Horizons Camp in Windham, Reliance Health in Norwich, and many more. Call the plumbers at (860) 642-7847 or visit them online.
