
A urinary tract infection (UTI) can be incredibly uncomfortable and often results in an overactive bladder, cloudy urine, a burning sensation when urinating, or urinary incontinence. Prevent this painful and inconvenient situation by knowing what causes the issue. Below is a brief guide to some of the most common culprits of UTIs, so you can do your best to avoid them in the future. 

What Can Lead to a UTI?

1. Sexual Intercourse

While being intimate, bacteria from the vaginal cavity or bowel can be transferred into the urethra, resulting in an infection. To avoid future discomfort, doctors recommend that you urinate within 30 minutes of intercourse to help flush this bacterium out of the system. 

2. Birth Control

Urinary IncontinenceIf you have recently switched birth controls, it’s natural for your hormones to shift. The process can lead to a change in body chemistry and the healthy bacteria that naturally occur in your reproductive system. As a result, some contract a UTI. To prevent this situation, avoid switching birth control options frequently and stay in close communication with a gynecologist to discuss any negative side effects, like urinary incontinence. 

3. Bladder Strain

If you feel the need to urinate, don’t delay. In fact, holding your bladder for more than six hours gives unwanted bacteria the opportunity to grow and lead to infection. By preventing this strain, you’ll reduce the risk of UTIs and, in turn, the likelihood of urinary incontinence or bladder prolapse. 


If you need advice about any of the above or are experiencing issues, Midwest Urogynecology has established a stellar reputation throughout Saint Louis, MO, and its surrounding areas, for providing excellent women’s health care. Their caring, compassionate practice specializes in gynecology and treating a wide range of conditions, from urinary incontinence to overactive bladders. Call the office today at (314) 596-9955 to schedule an appointment. For more information on how they can assist and to read patient testimonials, visit their website
