
June is Oral Health Month! This designation by the American Dental Association (ADA) allows dentists, healthcare providers, and parents to focus on the importance of dental care for both children and adults. When your teeth and gums are healthy, the rest of your body is healthier as a result, which is why instilling good dental hygiene habits is essential.

Why Good Oral Health is So Important

Tooth Decay

Throughout the day, sugars from the foods and beverages we consume feed bacteria in the mouth, producing plaque, a sticky coating on the teeth. Until removed, it eats away at the tooth enamel. Without proper dental care through regular brushing, flossing, and professional teeth cleanings, plaque can result in cavities, which require repair with either a filling or crown. Left untreated, it may become infected, requiring a root canal or even extraction.

Gum Disease

Plaque is also the cause of periodontal disease. More commonly referred to as gum disease, the chronic infection of the gums is a leading causes of tooth loss. In its earliest stages, it causes minor swelling, redness, and bleeding. As it advances, however, the gums recede, exposing the tooth roots. Without prompt treatment and proper management, the teeth may eventually fall out.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth that aren’t replaced in a timely manner are problematic. Not only do they affect the appearance of your smile, but also your remaining teeth may shift out of alignment due to the bone loss that occurs. Dental implants are highly recommended for the replacement of missing teeth, as they’re the only solution that prevents bone loss.

Ways to Celebrate Oral Health Month

There are so many reasons proper dental care is essential, so take the time to celebrate Oral Health Month and do something for your smile. Your teeth and gums will thank you! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • dental careBuy a New Toothbrush: You’re probably overdue for a new one anyway, and this is the perfect time to upgrade to that electric model you’ve been eyeing.
  • Get Your Teeth Whitened: Yes, professional teeth whitening is primarily done for cosmetic reasons, but when your teeth look bright and healthy, you may feel more motivated to take better care of them.
  • Upgrade Your Floss: If you aren’t flossing everyday, you’re significantly increasing your risk of gum disease. If traditional floss is uncomfortable or hard to use, consider getting a water flosser instead.
  • Visit Your Dentist: Now is the perfect time to schedule a cleaning and exam with your dentist, particularly if it’s been more than six months since your last visit.


Your oral health affects the health of your entire body. At-home dental care and seeing your dentist every six months is essential to ensure your mouth—and body—are in great shape. The Dental Clinic at Stuttgart in Arkansas has provided exceptional dental care to their patients for more than 15 years. If you’re looking for more ways to celebrate this month, they’re sure to have more ideas. To schedule an appointment, call (870) 551-3836. Visit their website for more information.
