
Owning a well means you’re responsible for maintaining the quality of your water by undergoing regular well inspections and water testing. If you’re new to well ownership, you might be wondering what the inspection and testing process entails and why it’s important. In this guide, you’ll find information about why well inspections are vital in addition to what professionals look for when testing the water. 

The Ins & Outs of Well Inspections & Water Testing 

Harmful Bacteria

When having your well professionally inspected and tested, experts will first determine whether your water is safe to drink. They do so by performing a total coliform bacteria test to asses the presence of bacteria in your well water; there are five different bacteria groups that make up the total coliform category. They also test for the presence of E. coli, which is a sign the groundwater in your area or your well water has been contaminated.

Water Chemistry

well-inspectionWell inspection teams test the chemical makeup of your water to determine precisely what amount of naturally occurring minerals it contains. They’ll also evaluate the hardness of the water, which is caused by excessive buildup of calcium and magnesium. Another important chemical test they perform addresses pH levels to ensure they are within an acceptable range. 


Since you rely on your well for clean drinking water, implementing a regular testing and maintenance plan is important for your family’s health. If your water quality has changed or appears unusually cloudy, schedule a well inspection ASAP to certify it’s safe to drink. For additional info about water well maintenance, Morgan Well & Pump Inc. in Kannapolis, NC, is happy to share their years of experience with you. They’re equipped to perform irrigation services and sump pump repairs. Call them today at (704) 933-0479 or visit them online for a complete list of services. 
