
Many Americans rely on Social Security disability benefits to provide them with financial support after an injury or illness has rendered them unable to work. While the program is designed to offer disabled people a source of income, it can be incredibly difficult to navigate the application process and receive an approval. This is why it’s important to learn as much as possible before filing a claim.

Over the last four decades, C. Roland Krueger Attorney and Counselor at Law has helped numerous Lexington, NC, residents gain clarity on what to expect when applying for Social Security disability, so they have higher odds of approval for the benefits they deserve. Below, he offers some valuable insight into the program. 

Eligibility Requirements 

The first thing you must know prior to filing for Social Security disability benefits is how eligibility is determined. To qualify, you needed to have been a part of the workforce for a certain length of time depending on your age and met the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. This means you aren’t capable of performing the same job duties you were doing before you became disabled, and your prognosis is expected to last for at least 12 months, or a shorter time if expecting death.                                       

Qualifying Conditions 

social security disabilityThe Social Security Administration has a listing of impairments that may qualify claimants for disability benefits. This list is categorized according to the body’s major systems. Some of the most common medical conditions applicants seek benefits for include muscular dystrophy, back injuries, cerebral palsy, anxiety, heart conditions, fibromyalgia, and mental disorders. Even if your particular condition is not one of the listed impairments, you may qualify for disability benefits. 

Appeals Process 

If you receive a denial on your initial application, there is no need to give up hope of collecting benefits. The program offers an appeals process presenting a second chance for approval. However, before attempting to request reconsideration, it’s a good idea to consult with a Social Security disability attorney. They will review your case file to identify the reason for denial, so it can be properly remedied in time to present a compelling argument showing why you’re entitled to benefits.  

If you need Social Security disability benefits, it’s best to enlist the help of an attorney who is familiar with the program and its requirements. With the guidance of C. Roland Krueger Attorney and Counselor at Law, you can avoid many of the mistakes applicants make that result in long delays and denials. He can also provide effective representation during the appeal process if necessary. Contact his office at (336) 248-8464, or visit him online for additional information.   
