
Low sperm count is a common concern for couples trying to conceive. There are several reasons why a man’s sperm count might be insufficient and getting to the bottom of the cause offers the best chance at finding a reasonable treatment. That’s why the infertility specialists at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute provide the following advice to help couples trying to conceive find a reasonable solution.

3 Causes of Low Sperm Count From a Honolulu Infertility Specialist

1. Being Overweight

Among the many other health problems associated with excess pounds, being overweight or obese can lead to a diminished sperm count. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who were deemed overweight were more likely to have a lower sperm count than men of normal weight (at a rate of 11%). Additionally, obese men were 42% more likely to have a lower than average sperm count. While the exact reason is unknown, this study emphasizes the importance of maintaining a proper weight when it comes to male fertility.

2. Hormonal Imbalance

Infertility SpecialistFor the body to produce sperm correctly, many different areas must work in conjunction. This includes the testicles, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands, all of which produce hormones to facilitate the production of sperm. If hormones are out of balance production can be decreased or even disappear altogether. A lack of testosterone might also be an issue standing in the way of conception; in this case, consulting with a fertility doctor is essential.

3. Immune Disorders

Your immune system may also play a role in the body’s inability to adequately produce sperm. In this event, your body might interpret sperm as a foreign substance and create antibodies to attack them as a result. This can sometimes be caused by an infection within the prostate or even an injury to the testicles. A doctor can check for anti-sperm antibodies and may prescribe medication to lower your immune system’s response.

Whether you suffer from low sperm count or have questions about in vitro treatments, Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute of Honolulu is here to help. These infertility specialists can address issues impacting both men and women, which is key to helping couples bring a new life into this world. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, feel free to call (808) 946-2226 today. You can also access more helpful resources concerning infertility by visiting them online.
