
Whether you suffer from chronic back pain or persistent migraines, your first instinct may be to see your primary care doctor. However, chiropractic care is a holistic alternative that can provide you with more effective, long-term relief. The staff at Eastern Hills Chiropractic Center in Cincinnati, OH, are here to dispel a few of the myths regarding chiropractic care to help you understand why it’s worth seeking this treatment.

3 Myths About Chiropractic Care

1. Chiropractors Are Not Real Doctors

chiropractic careDespite the common misconception that chiropractors are not “real doctors,” this profession requires a four-year undergraduate education as well as extensive specialized training in chiropractic care. They must also pass several state and national board exams to get the required certifications.

2. It Requires a Long-Term Commitment

The length of treatment will vary for each patient. Individuals with acute issues may only need a few appointments for treatment, while others may find that regular visits to the chiropractor increase their overall wellness. Your chiropractor will work with you to tailor a treatment plan that is most effective for your needs.

3. Adjustments Are Painful

Adjustments should not cause pain. While it can be nerve-wracking if it’s your first time, you should only feel a few cracks as your chiropractor adjusts your spine. Inflammation or muscle spasms may also cause a small amount of discomfort at first; however, patients will experience relief when it’s over. The entire alignment should only take a few minutes.

If you suffer from back or neck pain, consider seeking chiropractic care. Eastern Hills Chiropractic Center offers the Cincinnati area a wide range of comprehensive chiropractic services. They will identify the source of your condition and provide targeted, effective treatments to get you moving again. Call their office today at (513) 528-2200 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information. 
