
As a real estate agent, you have virtually endless earning opportunities. However, since you essentially operate as a contractor, the position isn't typically associated with long-term employee benefits. EXIT Realty Upper Midwest combats this problem with a unique financial reward system that offers unparalleled benefits to its team members. Find out how the EXIT formula can boost your real estate career, below.

3 Ways the EXIT Formula Will Help Your Real Estate Career

1. Sponsoring Residuals

The single-level residual income formula is designed so that agents benefit from helping the company succeed. This process revolves around recruiting new members to the team in which the original agent receives what is known as "sponsoring residuals." For every person you recruit, you receive a bonus check for 10% of their total earnings directly from the head office. These residuals continue for as long as the agent works for EXIT Realty.

2. Retirement Benefits

real estate careerTraditionally, one of the biggest downfalls of the real estate industry was the lack of retirement benefits. This situation leaves many agents unprepared for later in their life, which can lead to financial hardships. The EXIT formula eliminates this issue by transferring their recruitment bonuses into 7% retirement residuals. That way, all the hard work you put in during your real estate career continues to pay off even after you've left the team.

3. Family Security

The benefits of the EXIT formula also extend to your family. As with retirement plans, careers in real estate aren't typically accompanied by employer-funded life insurance benefits. However, EXIT Realty allows your sponsorship and retirement residuals to be converted to beneficiary benefits at a rate of 5% upon your death. This perk ensures that you can focus on your work with the peace of mind that your family is protected.

The benefits offered by the EXIT formula are unmatched across the industry, and you can experience them for yourself today by joining the EXIT Realty Upper Midwest team. The real estate business offers career opportunities in multiple territories, including Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. From in-depth training and mentorship to gaining access to the latest marketing technologies, they set their agents up for success. If you're ready to launch your real estate career, contact them online or calling (651) 505-3570.
