
There are a number of issues that can have an impact on your oral hygiene, and dry mouth is a serious one. This condition is exactly what it sounds like — a lack of saliva production resulting in a dry, sticky mouth. While many people experience brief spells of dry mouth due to factors like nervousness, if the condition persists, you should discuss it with your dentist to help avoid potential dental care problems.

The Effect on Teeth & Gums

Oral HygieneWhile dry mouth may seem like a simple problem, it’s effect on your dental health can be severe. Saliva serves a purpose in oral hygiene, helping to wash away bacteria and food debris from your teeth and dilute bacterial acid which can attack your enamel. Without this constant cleaning action, your teeth become more susceptible to decay. At the same time, your gums are more likely to become irritated and inflamed, increasing the risk and severity of gum disease.

The Causes of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth has a number of different root causes, each needing to be treated differently by your dentist or doctor. First, it can be caused by a wide range of health conditions — anything from a simple yeast infection to autoimmune diseases to Alzheimer’s. To further complicate the issue, dry mouth can also be a side effect of medications used to treat life-threatening diseases. Simple age is another factor, and so is tobacco use. Sometimes, the exact cause of dry mouth is completely ambiguous, making it difficult to treat.


If you’re suffering from dry mouth or other oral hygiene concerns, Jeanne Rowland, DDSin Milton, WI, offers skilled and caring dental treatment to protect and restore your smile. This practice focuses on personalized care for each patient who walks through the door, ensuring you’ll receive the right treatment for your exact circumstances. To schedule a visit, call (608) 868-4500 today, or visit their website to learn more about their services. You can also connect with the dental team on Facebook.
