
Are you currently searching for your dream house? It can be difficult to decide between buying or building the perfect dwelling. There might not be any ideal houses available on the market; if that’s the case, turn to a local custom home builder to create a residence that meets all of your needs. To determine if buying or building is the right choice for you, here are a few advantages of each.

Buying a New House

1. Time Savings

Depending on the size of the property and any unforeseen problems that could arise, it could take anywhere from four to six months to build a house. This wait is significantly shortened when you opt to buy. From shopping for a mortgage to closing on the home, you will be looking at a process of about two months.

2. More Style Options

custom home builderWhatever your budget is will determine which type of home styles you can have built. When you elect to buy, the variety can widen somewhat. However, it might be necessary to purchase an older home to match both your wants and price range.

3. Visible Floor Plan

When buying a home, you’ll get to see existing floor plans, so you won’t have to visualize what everything looks like. This can be important for those who are not sure how to build a layout that will match their needs and budget requirements. 

Building a New House

1. Full Input on Design

When you choose to hire a custom home builder, you’ll have a say on how everything looks from the start. This removes any need to remodel for a long time. The new home construction will implement specific materials and features from the beginning, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck with a layout or odd quirks that come with buying a pre-built house.

2. Energy Savings

Custom building a dwelling opens up the possibilities of adding energy-saving technology from the beginning. This will allow you to keep your house comfortable year-round at a lower price than what you might get from properties that are 10 to 20 years old.

3. Less Expensive

While not always the case, it’s often possible to save more money having a home custom built than to buy one that’s already available. Usually, this is attributed to the discounts on materials you can receive by working with custom home builders directly and buying in bulk from local suppliers.


When you want a new home to meet all of your needs, contact R & J Custom Home Builders in Chillicothe, OH. They will create a unique construction strategy and business plan that will help you build the home of your dreams with the budget you have available. Call them at (740) 703-9242 to discuss your home goals today. For more information about their services and to see examples of previous constructions, visit them online.
