
During the winter months, it can be difficult to tell if the tree in your front yard is thriving. If it just didn’t seem to regain its strength after the warm weather settled in, you might need tree removal services. Here are a few tips on the questions to ask before calling your local tree service company.

3 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Tree Removal Services

1. What Part Is Damaged?

The trunk is what supports the tree and its branches, therefore making it one of the most important sections. Check to see if there are any cracks or decay in this area. If the trunk is completely hollow, it’s best to call a tree removal professional as soon as possible.

2. Where Is It Located?

Tree RemovalEven if it isn’t severely damaged, a tree that is close to your home should probably be removed. Take a look at the tree and examine the location and condition of its branches. If they touch power lines, brush up against your home’s roof, or are dead, have a tree removal expert determine the best course of action. 

3. How Old Is the Tree?

When it comes to age,  there are two types of trees. While long-lived trees such as the live oak and cedar elm species can last for over 100 years, short-lived Bradford pear and redbud trees only have a 20 to 30-year life span. A tree that has declining health should be removed, especially if it is nearing the end of its life expectancy. This is why you must first determine the tree’s species before making a final decision.


Are you in need of a tree removal company? Trust the team at H & H Tree Service for help. With over 22 years of experience in tree trimming, grinding, and removal, they strive to provide the best service to the customers of New London, NC. For more information about their tree services, visit their website or give them a call at (704) 463-0353.
