
Good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist are the best ways to ensure healthy teeth, but your diet also has a lot to do with the health of your mouth. From sugars to acids, staying cognizant of how different food groups affect the state of teeth can protect your enamel against damage. The list below shows a few foods that most contribute to tooth decay.

5 Foods That Promote Tooth Decay

1. Refined Carbohydrates

When you chew foods like white bread, cookies, pastries, and potato chips, your saliva breaks down the starch into sugars, which add to the sugar content that is already present. Choose whole grain options for bread and avoid the junk wherever possible. When you do indulge, make sure you brush and floss after.

2. Alcohol

While it’s a fun way to unwind with friends after a long day of work, alcohol decreases the flow of saliva and causes dry mouth. Heavy use of alcohol can also lead to more serious conditions, such as gum disease or mouth cancer.

3. Citrus

Oranges, apples, and pineapple are all delicious and healthy for your body, but the acids in citrus fruits are hard on tooth enamel. Consume lemons, limes, and citrus juices in moderation and make sure you also drink plenty of water.

dentist4. Soda

Packed with sugars and artificial ingredients, soda is also acidic and caffeinated varieties can dry out the mouth. Energy and sports drinks are often just as bad as soda in terms of ingredients and effects on your teeth.

5. Sticky Food

Sticky candies, dried fruits, and even some chewing gums may have a detrimental effect on teeth. Full of sugar, sticky treats may loosen or damage crowns & bridges, stick in the cracks between teeth, or stick to tooth surfaces longer. 


Visit your dentist regularly, practice good oral care, and avoid problem foods as much as possible to guarantee healthy teeth and gums. Enterprise Dental Associates in Enterprise, AL, offers general dentistry, family dentistry, teeth whitening, and more. Visit their website to learn more about their services or call (334) 347-9564 to book an appointment.
