
A broken air conditioner when summer heat is at its strongest is always a hassle. But if you pay close attention to what your AC unit is telling you, you can take steps to avoid any inconvenient issues. Here, the AC repair professionals at CKP Heating & Cooling explain three noises your AC unit may make when it’s in distress and how you should interpret them.

3 Noises Your Air Conditioner Makes

1. Banging

Banging noises in an air conditioning unit are never a good sign. If the banging is coming from your outside unit when you turn the system on, the problem might be a defective or loose fan blade. On the other hand, a noise coming from inside your home means that there could be a loose part inside the compressor. 

2. Screeching

AC RepairAir conditioning units utilize belts and motors to work efficiently. If one of these components malfunctions or is too old, you might hear a screeching sound. It is important to have this fixed as soon as possible, since failing to contact an AC repair technician about this problem could result in an unresponsive blower. 

3. Buzzing

One of the most common reasons for buzzing in an air conditioning unit is electrical problems. This is never a problem that should be fixed on your own, since loose wires are difficult to repair if you do not have the correct training and placing wires in the wrong positions can lead to severe injury. Instead, call an AC repair technician with suitable experience.

Have you heard any of these noises coming from your air conditioner? The technicians at CKP Heating & Cooling in North Canton, OH are experts in AC repair, AC installation, and a wide range of other HVAC services. As a trusted family-owned and -operated business, they focus on offering each client superior customer service. For more information on having your system serviced, visit them online or call (330) 791-3029 today. 
