
June is National Dairy Month. This celebration started back in 1937 as National Milk Month as a way to promote drinking milk, but the name soon changed to Dairy Month. National Dairy month is a great way to start out your summer with nutrient-rich foods. From calcium to potassium, Vitamins D and K, milk products contain nine essential nutrients which can help you manage your weight, reduce your risk for high blood pressure, osteoporosis and some cancers. Dairy products are nature’s nutrient powerhouse, in fact, dairy is important for your overall health! If you include dairy as a regular part of your diet you are lowering your chances of contracting periodontal disease (gum disease). It is an essential part of building strong bones and maintaining a strong, healthy mouth. These are just some reasons why you should celebrate dairy – not only in June, but all year long.  

Here are some more reasons Dr. Joy Lunan loves dairy:

Calicium is a key component of milk, as is phosphorus, which are beneficial for teeth. These nutrients make up and repair the tooth’s enamel giving it its strength – this alone makes dairy a healthy choice for your smile! Just one cup of milk contains about 300mg of calcium. Many foods contain calcium, but dairy products are best because they are easily absorbed by your body. So, if you’re wondering if milk is good for your teeth – the answer is yes!

Dairy products can help reduce tooth decay. Not only does dairy contain calcium and phosphorus, it contains proteins called caseins which combine together to create a protective film on the teeth. This coating actually helps protect your teeth from decay caused by bacterial acids. 

Dairy products are also rich in magnesium and are fortified with Vitamin D – both of which help your body to absorb and use calcium more effectively. FYI – If you are watching your calories, skim milk will give you the same level of calium as whole milk. Also found in dairy is Vitamin K, which helps the formation, growth and repair of bones as well as helping calcium absorption.

If you and your family aren’t big milk drinkers try adding yogurt or cheese to your diet. You can find fat free or low fat versions depending on your caloric needs. Don’t forget pudding, cottage cheese, ice cream and yes, even chocolate milk! :)

Although eating and drinking plenty of milk and dairy can make your teeth stronger and more decay resistant, incorporating a good oral care routine is key to preventing disease. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time with a soft bristled toothbrush, and floss daily. And, of course, regular dental visits for professional dental cleanings and exams with Dr. Joy Lunan are the most important.  If you live in the Middlebury, CT area and are in need of a thorough dental cleaning and exam, call us. We are always accepting new patients and would be happy to see you.  203-598-7920

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