
Going to the optometrist shouldn’t be the only step you take for your optical health. Eye care is a daily task that can include everything from using saline drops for dryness to wearing glasses and protective eyewear. To improve your optical health, test out these three exercises recommended by the experienced staff at Wing Eyecare in Cincinnati, OH.

Improve Your Eye Health With These 3 Exercises

1. Warming 

Vigorously rub your hands together to bring some heat to your palms. Then, place them gently over your closed eyelids. The heat will feel relaxing. Repeat this trick whenever you’re feeling tired or stressed.

2. Resting

eye care Cincinnati OHFor every 60 minutes of time spent on the computer, spend 10 minutes away from the screen. That doesn’t mean scrolling through social media on your phone. Take a break and go for a stroll, read a book, or have a chat with a coworker. Your eyes will be rested and ready to go back to the computer when those 10 minutes are over.

3. Blinking

Blinking is a reflex we don’t think too much about, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. Every time you blink, you’re practicing healthy eye care. Closing your eyelids improves lubrication and removes anything that may be on the surface of your eyes, like an eyelash or a speck of dust. For a quick blinking exercise, close your eyelids every four seconds for a minute. If you’re dealing with dryness, you may need to blink more frequently to provide better lubrication.

It’s easy to follow these eye care exercises when you know they’ll improve your long-term optical health. To discuss additional tips, speak with the staff at Wing Eyecare by calling (888) 274-9464. You can also visit the website for information on their exams, visual fields testing, retinal photos, glaucoma screenings, and other eye care offerings. They have 16 convenient locations throughout the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area.
