
In the retail space, presentation is key. The way you organize and stack pieces can make a notable impact on your sales goals, drawing in customer attention or driving it away. You’ve spent a lot of time creating an eye-catching design, so your displays should make the most of your custom shirts’ unique features. 

How to Display Custom Shirts Effectively

1. Use Quality Fixtures

custom-shirtsWhether you hang shirts on racks or stack them on shelves, or both, you don’t want to see a customer reach for their favorite design and bring the whole display toppling down. Invest in high-quality fixtures and don’t overload them. Open space also makes it easier to highlight pieces without making a mess.

2. Prioritize Neat Presentation

Always stack folded shirts by size so they’re easy to find. If someone does disturb your piles, tidy them up quickly. The more attractive your space, the better it shows off your clothes.

3. Organize for Enhanced Visibility

Many retail shops store clothing without much logic to their organization, like putting whites next to browns or weekend clothes next to workout pieces. When you coordinate your store’s layout, customers will have an easier time browsing or finding what they need. Dress a mannequin in your favorite shirt design, then situate similar pieces next to it, all sorted by color and style. In addition to visual impact, having all the shirts in one area will catch the attention of shoppers who come in looking for them.

4. Utilize Wall Displays

An often under-utilized area of retail space is the wall. Placing shirts high above the racks and shelves will make your latest designs visible throughout the store. When shirts stand out in this way, they linger in a customer’s mind and impact buying decisions. 


When you need custom shirts for your business, Honolulu Shirt Shop in Hawaii is the team for the job. These screen printing experts create professional, state-of-the-art designs using the industry’s most advanced printers, ink, and design equipment. The staff will guide you through the design process from start to finish, whether you’re adding to your retail store or outfitting an entire sports team. Visit the website to learn more about how they can serve you, or call (808) 847-0831 to place your order today!
