
With summer on the horizon, you’re probably dreaming of all the ways you’ll spend your time outdoors, from barbecues and pool parties to vacations on the beach. Remembering to apply sunscreen may be your top priority, but don’t neglect your eye care this summer. While a small dose of natural light each day is essential for good sleep hygiene, it’s important to wear sunglasses any time you’ll be outdoors for more than a few minutes. Here’s why.

Why You Should Wear Sunglasses this Summer

1. Block UV Rays

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays aren’t just damaging to your skin; they’re also harmful to your eyes. Sunglasses with at least 98% protection from both UV-A and UV-B rays will block out those damaging radiation and protect your eyes. When shopping for sunglasses, you should see a sticker on the lenses or case that specifies the amount of UV protection they offer. For even more protection, choose oversized or wrap-around styles, which block the rays from more angles.

eye care2. Prevent Sunburn

Yes, your eyes can get sunburned, and it’s not a pleasant experience. Just as your skin can get burned even on overcast days, so can your eyes. Sunburned eyes can result in painful conditions like pterygium, a pink or reddish growth often referred to as “surfer’s eye,” or pinguecula, which is a yellowish growth. Both can typically be treated with medicated eye drops, but in some cases, surgery is necessary.

3. Protection from Eye Diseases

A little eye care now can go a long way in protecting yourself from eye diseases later in life. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays increases the risk for several serious eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Although cataract surgery can treat the cloudy vision caused by cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration are incurable. Simply by wearing sunglasses, you significantly decrease your risk of these serious eye diseases. If you wear glasses, you may want to consider prescription sunglasses, even if they have a UV coating. If you have 20/20 vision or wear contact lenses, any sunglasses that offer 98 to 100% UV protection will do.


Making eye care a priority this summer will protect you from painful conditions now and serious vision impairment as you age. Lieblong Eye Clinic has the best selection of designer frames and sunglasses in Russellville, AR, including Oakley®, Maui Jim®, Ray-Ban®, and Costa®. Call them at (479) 968-2020 to schedule an appointment with their eye doctor.
