
Whether your little one is addicted to their smart device or glued to the television, limiting these activities can benefit their learning. While tablets and computers offer entertainment value, too much time with these items can leave your kid feeling drained and restless. As part of a positive child care plan, there are a few different ways to cut back on devices and help your little one grow as a learner.

Follow Screen Time Recommendations

Depending on the age of your little one, there are different guidelines for how much screen time they should be getting on a daily basis. Many child care experts advise little to no screen time for kids under the age of two. This is an important phase developmentally and too much time in front of screens can hinder some of their milestones. For children over the age of two, allow no more than one to two hours per day of screen time, and try to expose them to high-quality and educational programming.

Mirror Healthy Habits

child careChildren are very attentive and curious, so when it comes to setting screen time limits, it’s important to demonstrate the same healthy habits you ask of them. Instead of browsing your phone, model good behavior by reading a book, newspaper, or magazine in front of your child. An even better alternative is to spend more time reading and playing together.

Find a Child Care Program

Child care programs help kids developmentally while also limiting screen time. Because they have educational goals and guidelines to meet, schools promote diverse forms of active learning, from books to lessons and games. Moreover, these centers build an invaluable foundation for learning and monitor progress.


Technology is often a wonderful tool to help children advance, but it’s best used in moderation. To ensure your kids get the physical and mental stimulation they need to thrive, enroll them in a top-rated program at Imagination Childcare Academy in Rochester, NY. The child care and educational center offers an engaging curriculum spanning science, math, literacy, and the creative arts. To learn more about the academy, visit the website or call (585) 413-3948 to speak with a representative today.
