
Winter can be brutal on your lawn; ice, snow, and freezing temperatures leave your grass patchy and drain the life from plants and trees in your garden. With warmer weather during spring and summer, it’s the perfect time to make your lawn lusher and fuller than before. Landscaper’s Corner, a leading landscaping supplies store in Lexington, KY, shares a quick guide to getting your yard back in shape.

Spring & Summer Lawn Care Guide

What Do You Need?

When preparing your lawn for spring, you will need a mower, rake, herbicides, fertilizer, and seeds. You’ll also need some good advice from an expert to make your lawn restoration quicker and more successful. Find out from a local landscaping supplies shop what brands and gardening techniques will give you the best results before making a purchase.

Why Should You Maintain Your Lawn in Spring & Summer?

landscaping suppliesEven if you think some of the gardening chores can wait until fall, taking care of your lawn when the weather is warm keeps your grass thicker and your garden plants and trees stronger throughout the year. Plants that receive more pruning, mulching, and fertilizer become more resistant to weeds, insect infestation, foot traffic, and the harsh effects of the winter weather. 

How Do You Prepare It for the Warmer Season?

Rake your lawn to remove accumulated debris and thatches, promoting airflow and better absorption of fertilizers. Add nitrogen-rich fertilizer to supplement nutrients and enhance grass growth. If you prefer a weed-free yard, consider removing these by hand or using herbicide to kill off pesky infestations. Weed control is non-selective, so reseed bare patches and wait until they have germinated before applying it to your lawn. Mow regularly to avoid stunting grassroots and ensure a thicker, fuller lawn. You also have to aerate the ground with a garden fork prior to watering your lawn.  

Drop by Landscaper’s Corner for all your lawn maintenance needs. They stock a variety of landscaping supplies, from mulch to fertilizer. Their team of specialists has provided excellent landscape design and other services to property owners throughout central Kentucky for more than 13 years. Give them a call at (859) 225-9433 for inquiries, or visit their website to learn more.
