
Few areas of the law are as prone to misinformation and urban myths as divorce. Property rights, principles guiding child custody decisions, and even the prevalence of dissolving marriages can be the subjects of widespread misunderstandings—some of which can cause you to make serious errors when filing for divorce. Understanding the facts behind these common myths can help you make better decisions if you decide your marriage isn’t working.

5 Divorce Myths Debunked

1. Half of All Marriages End in Divorce

While divorce rates did climb to record highs in the 1970s and 1980s, the trend has actually been falling for the last 30 years. In reality, only approximately one-third of couples getting married now will ever get divorced.

2. Divorce Is Expensive

Getting divorced does involve a change in financial circumstances, but it doesn’t have to be extremely expensive. A skilled divorce attorney can help you find an amicable resolution, which can dramatically reduce the cost of dissolving your marriage.

3. The Judge Will Always Order Alimony

divorceSpousal support is normally ordered to provide the spouse who was financially dependent with the opportunity to begin building a new life. However, alimony is not an automatic right, and most support orders are only in effect for a limited time.

4. The Mother Always Get Custody

In the mid-20th century, courts did assume that children were better off with their mothers. However, today’s laws assume that children benefit from maintaining healthy relationships with both parents, so judges will make their decisions without regard to gender.

5. You Don’t Need an Attorney

If you have no children or significant assets, you may be able to file for divorce without an attorney. However, if you’re dividing marital property, have children, or your spouse is not cooperating, it’s always best to hire an attorney to protect your interests.


As Hawaii’s leading team of family law attorneys, Everett Cuskaden & Associates ALC has been providing detailed guidance to clients throughout Honolulu for over 35 years. If you’re considering divorce, you can rely on their team for compassionate service and effective legal representation. Visit their website for an overview of their services, or call (808) 545-1331 to schedule your consultation.
