
If you live in or near Waterbury, CT then after getting hurt at work, you may face serious financial hardship from medical expenses and lost income. Fortunately, a workers’ compensation attorney, like Attorney Thomas L. Brayton, III, in Waterbury, CT can help you recover the necessary damages to mitigate your losses. Below are some essential items to bring on your first meeting about the case. 

All Documents Relevant to Your Case  

workers' compensationA workers’ compensation attorney will need to thoroughly review your employment and injury history to effectively represent you. Examples of documents to bring include wage records, written correspondence from your employer or the insurance company regarding the claim, a formal injury report—or First Report of Injury—medical records, doctor bills, photographs of the injuries and the scene of the incident, and witness statements. These will help the attorney evaluate the claim and take the best course of action. 

A List of Questions 

During the initial consultation with a workers’ compensation attorney, ask about their experience and thoughts on your case. You should have a good working relationship with them and keep them informed about treatments and changes to your work status. At the first meeting, establish the best way to communicate with them. This way, they can regularly update you on the case’s progress. Also, ask about the strengths and weaknesses of the case and what you can expect from the claims process. 


Proper preparation is key to getting the most out of your meeting with a workers’ compensation attorney. If you need legal counsel for a work injury case, turn to the Law Office of Thomas L. Brayton, III in Waterbury, CT. Thomas Brayton, III has earned numerous accolades, including the AVVO® Top-Rated Lawyer 2017 Superb Attorney Rating by the Legal Community. Call his practice at (203) 591-8689 or visit him online to learn more about his legal services.
