
Since most fleas and ticks come from outside, some pet owners may think these dangers don’t apply to indoor cats and dogs. However, this pest prevention is an important part of animal care—no matter where your four-legged friend resides. To help clear up the confusion, Hayward Animal Hospital in Sawyer County, WI, highlights a few facts to know about keeping animals safe from these insect invaders.  

Why Does Flea & Tick Prevention Matter?

Fleas can carry diseases, lead to excessive scratching, and cause infection in cats and dogs. Ticks, on the other hand, are known to transmit a variety of dangerous illnesses, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease. While certain vaccinations can prevent some of these related health issues, it’s smart to guard against an infestation in the first place with prevention recommendations from animal care providers.

What if My Pets Live Indoors Only?

While your companion may spend most of their time inside the house, they can easily pick up fleas and ticks from contact with the outside. For example, dogs can get them on daily walks. It’s also possible for these pests to enter the home on a person who came from outside or from another animal that lives outdoors.

How Can I Keep Fleas & Ticks Off My Animal?

animal careFlea and tick prevention should be done on a monthly basis—even when these pests are not as active. Depending on your preferences, medicated topical solutions, collars, and shampoos are all available to treat dogs and cats against these risks. If you’re unsure of which approach is best for, ask a veterinarian for recommendations.

Regularly inspect your pet after they’ve been outdoors—even if just for a short walk. If you spot a tick, try removing it with tweezers. If that doesn’t work, consult an animal care professional. To eradicate fleas from their coats, dogs and cats may require a medicated bath. It may also be necessary to apply safe pest control measures to kill any lingering bugs or eggs nestled in hidden areas of the home.  

To learn how to best protect your dog or cat against fleas and ticks, turn to the friendly professionals at Hayward Animal Hospital. Serving the community for over three decades, this veterinarian will detect infestations and provide quick, effective, and safe prevention and removal treatments as needed. To learn more about the animal care services the local vet offers, visit the clinic online. For appointments, call a staff member at (715) 634-8971.
