
Even if you don’t drink tap water on a daily basis, you probably use for it everything from making coffee to cooking dinner. Have you ever thought about where it comes from, though, and what it might contain? In Hawaii, for example, the tap water is naturally filtered rainwater that travels underground through porous volcanic rock for more than two decades before reaching the aquifers. Although this journey makes it some of the best tap water around, it could be even better. Below, the knowledgeable team at Hano Naka in Honolulu explains why you should upgrade what comes out of your tap to their alkaline antioxidant water

What Is Alkaline Antioxidant Water?

antioxidant waterAlkaline antioxidant water is water that contains alkalizing minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which makes it less acidic than standard tap water. Although you can purchase it by the bottle to drink on occasion, you will optimize its benefits by installing a filter that produces an antioxidant-infused product straight from the tap.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Antioxidant Water?

There is still a lot to learn about the advantages of consuming alkaline antioxidant water. For now, though, researchers have determined that drinking water with a higher pH level—closer to 8.8—can help with everything from acid reflux to bone resorption. Because of its calcium content, for example, antioxidant-infused water contributes to more mineral density in the bones and, subsequently, a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Scientists have also found that drinking alkaline water regularly can contribute to better health and longevity in general. This is likely due to its antioxidant properties, which can delay and even stop cell damage over time by eliminating free radicals. 

If you want to install a quality water filtration system that produces crystal-clear alkaline antioxidant water, contact Hano Naka in Honolulu. Their cutting-edge drinking water systems can be adapted for the home or office to produce refreshing antioxidant water that boasts dozens of health benefits. To learn more about the life-changing products they provide, visit their website, or call (808) 596-2555 to discuss your needs today.
