
Environmentally-friendly products are all the rage, but this movement toward a healthier, greener planet was in the works for decades. There’s been a lot of progress since the first Earth Day in 1970, and businesses and individuals alike are working to reduce their carbon footprint and be more environmentally conscious. To learn about green cleaning products and their importance to this movement, check out this helpful information from JK Commercial Cleaning

How Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products Became Widespread

What Is Green Cleaning?

Products free of harsh chemicals and harmful additives made with natural, environmentally friendly ingredients are green cleaners. Eco-friendly products are also often made with biodegradable packaging to minimize waste. Not only do earth-friendly products reduce the negative impact on the environment, but they are healthier for humans as well. Many people experience negative physical reactions such as respiratory problems or skin conditions from toxic ingredients in regular cleaners, but green products are safe and free of toxins. 

Why Did It Gain Recognition?

green cleaning In 1960, an author named Rachel Carson published a book entitled Silent Spring, sparking a change in the way people thought about everyday household products and chemicals used. People advocating for the movement that was then called ecology held the first Earth Day in 1970. A few years later, green products for cleaning were sold in stores. However, the early eco-friendly products weren’t effective at cleaning, and green cleaning gained a lackluster reputation. In recent years, however, formulations have improved, and earth-friendly products have become more effective and popular. 

How Can You Clean Green? 

When purchasing select products for yourself, choose something with natural ingredients over the standard cleaners. If you use a cleaning company or plan to, find out if they use eco-friendly products. Many reputable cleaning companies have made the switch to greener products, so do a little research beforehand. Keep your home or business clean while making environmentally conscious decisions.    

If you’re concerned about keeping your home and the environment clean, you need a cleaning company that shares your values. Fortunately, JK Commercial Cleaning prioritizes the environment and offers certified green cleaning services, including janitorial services, floor waxing, carpet cleaning, general cleanup, and other options. To learn more about all they offer, visit them online, or call (512) 228-1837 to get your free estimate. 
