
Drinking and driving is a serious offense that can have a major impact on your personal and professional life if you are convicted. Therefore, it’s important to know how to conduct yourself if you’re pulled over on suspicion of this charge. Experienced defense attorneys know that what you do in the moments following a DUI stop can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Below are a few steps to remember if you’re facing a potential drunk driving arrest. 

3 Things You Should Do If You’re Stopped for a DUI 

1. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent 

Under the law, you have the right to remain silent, and a DUI stop presents the appropriate circumstances in which to exercise that right. Regardless of what the police officer asks you, it’s best to say as little as possible while remaining courteous and non-combative. Refrain from the temptation of trying to defend yourself or talk your way out of the situation. Keep in mind that anything you say could be misconstrued and used against you in court.

2. Politely Refuse Field Sobriety Tests 

defense attorneyYou are not legally required to submit to any roadside field sobriety tests that law enforcement may request of you. It’s better to politely refuse if asked to participate. These tests are voluntary, and the results are generally subjective to interpretation. Taking them may only serve to provide the police with probable cause to arrest you and additional information to build a case against you.  

3. Consult a Defense Attorney 

As soon as you are able to, it’s essential that you request to speak with a defense attorney. They will advise you on what to do next so you can avoid making any errors that will jeopardize your case. The earlier you retain counsel, the more time they will have to put together a compelling DUI defense on your behalf. 


The consequences of a DUI conviction can cause problems in many areas of your life. If you have been accused of drinking and driving, working with a skilled defense attorney will give you the best chance of avoiding a guilty sentence. In Pell City, AL, drivers rely on the legal team at Arnold Law Offices to help them fight DUI charges. They have an established track record of success in these types of cases and are committed to making sure the rights of every client are protected. Contact them at (205) 338-6565 or visit their website to learn more.  
