
When it comes to keeping your car in good condition, regular maintenance with your trusted Audi® repair specialist is key. However, unless you’re intimately familiar with your vehicle, you may not have the terms you need to describe what’s happening with your vehicle on the tip of your tongue. At Reid Vann Luxury Import Specialists in Saint Louis, MO, their experienced import auto repair technicians want to help. They share a few important terms to know when you bring your car in for a service appointment, so you can accurately convey your vehicle’s symptoms.

5 Terms to Know Before Bringing Your Car to an Audi Repair Specialist

1. Bucking

Audi RepairYou’re driving along and come to a stop or cautiously give the car gas to start up again, and the vehicle suddenly lurches forward. This symptom is known as bucking, and it’s a relatively common transmission problem. The lurch happens when the transmission slips between gears, causing the engine to hesitate and sending the vehicle forward unexpectedly.

2. Knocking

Ideally, your engine should run quietly. Though some noise is to be expected, it should never be deafening or distracting when you’re behind the wheel. However, some engines emit a consistent tapping or banging noise when the car accelerates. This noise is called knocking.

3. Surge

Cars are designed to allow you to control the speed at all times. However, some vehicles that need an import auto repair appointment may increase in speed when you least expect it. This is known as surging and needs to be repaired as soon as possible.

4. Dieseling

Your vehicle should stop running when you turn off the ignition. However, in some vehicles, the engine may continue running for a few seconds, burning fuel even though the ignition has been turned off. This is called dieseling, and while it’s mostly an annoyance, it should be fixed by your Audi repair specialist as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’re wasting money on diesel and causing unnecessary wear on your engine.

5. Bottoming

Your vehicle’s suspension is designed to keep your ride smooth even over bumpy terrain. However, if you notice an unusual roughness to the ride or feel excessive vibration through the steering wheel, you have a bottoming problem.

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms with your vehicle, schedule an appointment with the Audi repair experts at Reid Vann Luxury Import Specialists today. Their dedicated technicians will work to get you back on the road quickly so you can start enjoying your ride again. Learn more about their services by visiting their website and see the difference an experienced import specialist can make in the quality of your vehicle’s maintenance routine. Call (314) 968-4100 to schedule a repair estimate.
