
Whether it’s a pet accident or a glass of wine, there are plenty of items in every home that can spell disaster for your carpet. Knowing how to approach these spills, however, can be the difference between a permanent spot and a temporary blotch. Here are some of the most common stains and the carpet cleaning methods you can use to fight them.

A Guide to Carpet Cleaning for Common Stains

1. Coffee

A delicious morning ritual can quickly turn into panic if your cup of coffee is knocked onto the carpet. Blot the spot with a dry cloth and swap it out for a new one when it becomes too saturated with the liquid to prevent spreading. Then, spritz the area with a mixture of vinegar, water, and detergent and rinse and repeat as necessary.

2. Ink

Ink stains are notoriously tricky to remove, but it is possible if you work quickly enough and employ the right carpet cleaning techniques. After the spill, immediately dab the area with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol. Do not scrub, as this can spread the ink into the fibers. Utilize more rubbing alcohol if needed and, once the stain is removed, rinse with water and blot dry.

3. Pet Stains

carpet cleaningIf your beloved pet has an accident on your carpet, it only takes a short time before the stain and odor sets in. The first step in tackling this situation is cleaning up the initial mess. Pick up the solid waste and blot liquid until it’s dry. If the stain has already started to dry on the carpet fibers, moistening it can loosen its grip so it can be removed easier. Using a black light can also identify any urine stains that may have set in. 

There are several carpet cleaning methods of neutralizing pet stain odors, but using a vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide mix can work wonders. Soak the area with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water for several minutes before covering it with baking soda. Then, mix a half cup of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and pour it over the baking soda. Work the solution into the area until fully dissolved and allow it to completely dry before vacuuming.


If you’re unable to rid your carpet of common stains, enlist the help of a professional. Henry’s Services is the premier source of home building and restoration services in Anchorage, AK. From expert carpet cleaning methods to kitchen and bathroom remodeling, the company takes pride in helping clients achieve the home they deserve or recover from a natural disaster. For more information, call (907) 344-4200 or visit the website today.
