
When planning your child’s educational future, consider the benefits of sending them to a private school with not only strong academic offerings, but also a music program. From accelerating brain development to enhancing verbal memory, playing an instrument and studying music offers numerous perks to a child’s growing mind. Here are more insights into the connection between music and brain development.

How Music Positively Impacts Cognitive Skills

1. Encourages Brain Development

Studies show playing a musical instrument or creating music consistently speeds up a child’s cognitive growth. Because the brain is the epicenter of our senses, participating in hobbies that utilize multiple areas like hearing, vision, and movement allows for an accelerated evolution of new skills. At the age of one, the brain is 70 percent of its adult size, and by three it is 85 percent, so the earlier music is introduced, the sooner the child can benefit.

2. Improved Speech Processing

Enrolling your child in a private school music program benefits academic growth as well, especially reading. Northwestern University conducted a study to observe how children involved in music programs performed in other academic subjects. The children who actively participated in music classes showed enhanced verbal skills and more thorough speech processing.

private school3. Strengthens Memory

Research also shows that children involved in music programs have improved memory. Playing music involves numerous regions of your brain, including the limbic system, which is responsible for memory. By playing music, you are working out the limbic system of your brain.

4. Increased IQ

A study published in Psychological Science noted an increase in the IQ of six-year-old children who took music or voice lessons at least once a week. Additionally, students who continued their music education over a number of years had an average IQ of three points higher than those who did not. Playing music or taking voice lessons exercises multiple regions of the brain simultaneously, helping to improve its functions with other academic tasks.


When you're looking for a way to help your child grow, enrolling them in private school like Hawaii Baptist Academy in Honolulu, HI, will set them up on a path for personal and academic success. In addition to superior academic programs, this private school offers creative and comprehensive music classes, including choir and band, at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. If you’re considering a private education for your child, learn more about Hawaii Baptist Academy by calling (808) 595-7585 or visiting their website.
