
If you are going on a vacation soon, you probably want to bring your contact lenses with you. They’re much lighter than glasses and won’t interfere with any activities you want to do. However, traveling with contacts takes some extra preparation. The eye care professionals at West Valley Vision Center in Fairbanks, AK, share some tips on how to take care of your contacts while vacationing.

How to Take Trips While Wearing Contacts

1. Pack the Right Items in Your Bag

contact lensesBefore you leave for your trip, don’t forget to pack a travel-size bottle of contact lens solution, rewetting drops, and a case for your lenses. Put the solution and drops in a container to keep them from leaking. It’s also smart to pack a pair of glasses in case your eyes get irritated or infected.

2. Avoid Wearing Your Contacts During a Flight

If you are flying to your destination, you may want to remove your contact lenses while you are on the plane. The humidity is very low on airplanes, so your contacts can dry out. 

3. Keep Your Contacts Clean

Just because you’re on a trip, doesn’t mean you should take a vacation from taking care of your contacts. Clean your contacts daily and remember to wash your hands before you touch them. The last thing you want to deal with on a trip is an eye infection.

4. Bring an Up-to-Date Prescription

It’s wise to pack your prescription for your contact lenses. If you lose them, you can easily buy replacement lenses. So, look up a local pharmacy near your destination in case a situation arises.

If you need to update your prescription on your contact lenses, make an appointment with an optometrist. The eye doctors at West Valley Vision Center have decades of experience and believe in giving each patient personalized and quality care. Whether you require eye surgery or a routine exam, they are here for you. For more information, call (907) 479-4700 or visit their website.
