
A local pharmacy is the most convenient destination to receive necessary over-the-counter and prescription medication. However, many don’t realize the inventory of other curative items they stock. Hickman's Pharmacy in Princeton, WV, offers therapeutic compression hose to improve the health and quality of life for its patients. Below they share some insight into the benefits of these stockings. 

Why Visit the Local Pharmacy for Therapeutic Hose?  

1. Avoid Blood Clots 

Some patients are at higher risk of developing blood clots in the legs; for instance, those diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), as well as individuals using birth control or hormone replacement therapy. If you regularly fly on an airplane or sit for hours in a car, you could also be susceptible to clotting. Prevent life-threatening emergencies by wearing compression hose during travel or while relaxing. 

2. Prevent Swelling 

Princeton PharmacyPatients with diabetes, physical disabilities, or circulatory problems may experience leg swelling, also known as edema. Therapeutic compression hose applies gentle pressure to maintain proper blood flow to the legs. An increase in circulation prevents blood pooling in the limbs, which decreases inflammation and swelling. 

3. Enhance Comfort 

Weak or dysfunctional veins in the legs can cause achiness, tightness, and pain. Patients with varicose veins, DVT, or leg ulcers move and feel better with the regular use of compression stockings. By putting therapeutic hose on when getting dressed and taking them off before going to bed, you help your veins work better and reduce discomfort. People who work on their feet all day may also experience less tension when using this product. 

Achy, tired legs are uncomfortable, and blood clots can be dangerous to your health. With therapeutic compression hose, you can enjoy your favorite activities and experience less of these symptoms. To learn more about this and other supplies for your condition or needs, call Hickman’s Pharmacy in Mercer County, WV, at (304) 425-2188. Locally owned and operated since 1947, they offer friendly and compassionate care to the community. For more information about the pharmacy’s services, including prescription counseling and diabetic products, visit their website
