
Come this time of the year, allergy sufferers are plagued by irritating symptoms like watery eyes, an itchy throat, a runny nose, and a cough. With so much pollen floating around outside, the last thing you need is to encounter allergens in your home. That’s why All Surfaces Carpet Cleaning & More is committed to eliminating these contaminants from your flooring. Here, the trusted carpet cleaning company lists three allergens trapped in the fibers beneath your feet.

3 Allergens Hiding in Your Carpet

1. Dander

carpet cleaningWhile your furry friends are irreplaceable, they come with their fair share of messes. In fact, their dander, or dead skin, fall off just like ours, collecting in carpet fibers over time. Unfortunately, everything that gathered in their hair during playtime and walks — such as fleas, dust, and pollen — comes off with dander and is tread into your fibrous flooring. Some pets even have accidents or drool onto carpeting, and these bodily fluids contain even more irritants.

2. Dust Mites

These organisms produce massive amounts of allergen waste, and they are the most common culprit related to year-round allergy symptoms. In fact, they can excrete up to 200 times their weight every day. These critters feed on dead skin, resulting in an allergy chain reaction. Unfortunately, vacuuming alone won’t pick up every mite in your home. To completely eradicate them, turn to a professional carpet cleaning company.

3. Mold

Fungi can also trigger allergic symptoms. If you ever spill a beverage, leave a glass out with condensation, or open a window on a humid day, mold can grow in your carpet fibers. A plumbing leak may also create a breeding ground for this fungus. If it takes root in your flooring, you’ll release the irritating spores with every step.

To avoid these allergens or have them removed from your carpeting, contact All Surfaces Carpet Cleaning & More today. They have over 30 years of experience sanitizing homes and businesses in the Columbia, MO, area. They also offer duct cleaning services to improve the air quality of your property. Call (573) 698-3828 to schedule an appointment, and visit the website for more information.
