
Many may not realize that beetles are fascinating creatures, as they can be a nuisance on your property. Top pest control company Advanced Termite & Pest Control in Crossville, TN, has experience removing these insects from local homes. However, the experts explain that when the bugs are not invading your land, they’re worth learning about. They offer four fun facts about the critters. 

A Pest Control Crew’s Guide to Beetles

1. Diverse

Beetles are surprisingly populous, representing an estimated two-fifths of all insect species. There are hundreds of thousands of different types, from the wood-boring ones, like the deathwatch, to furniture carpet beetles that make their way through fabrics, and pantry beetles, which are common to grocery stores and warehouses. 

2. Sound-Making

While not often associated with musicality as much as say, a cicada, beetles are sometimes louder than many suspect. The deathwatch variety, for instance, knock themselves against the tunnels they dig, generating noise like a jackhammer.  

3. Wood-boring

pest controlMany assume termites are their only wood-boring culprits. However, Bark and Colorado Potato beetles are just two types that attack trees, stripping them of their bark. By the time the critters are done, they may have moved through a whole forest. If you think your trees are under threat, call pest control right away. 

4. Flying

Underneath their hard armor-like exterior, every beetle has two pairs of wings. These are positioned below the insect’s hard outer layer because they are much more fragile. They allow the critter to fly, often startling unsuspecting homeowners. 

As fascinating as they are, beetles are better left admired outdoors. If these insects are plaguing your home or plants, reach out to the pest control team at Advanced Termite & Pest Control. A technician will swiftly extract the pesky bugs and provide best practices to ensure they don’t return. To schedule an inspection, call (866) 636-2687 today. You can also learn more about the exterminator by visiting the website
