
Owning a dog or cat brings immense joy to the household. However, an excessive amount of pet hair can damage the multiple drains around the home. Here, American Rooter, a top drain cleaner professional in Watertown, CT, shares their top tips to prevent a clogged drain or other issues with pets.

How to Keep Drains Clear with a Pet in the House

1. Bathe Appropriately

clogged drainEspecially during the winter, many owners bathe their pets indoors. Whether in the sink or bathtub, washing your furry friend involves a lot of lost hair that can potentially lead to a clogged drain. The best way to prevent this is to use a filter. Once finished, you can simply take out the filter and throw the hair into the trash. Wipe down the tub after the bath to get those strands caught on the floor or walls.

2. Don't Flush Animal Products

Just as you shouldn't put paper towels and feminine products down the toilet, you should also refrain from flushing animal products. These include potty training pads, cat litter, uneaten food, or the last bits of their bones. None of these materials are degradable and are likely to get caught within the pipes. If this occurs, you risk a clogged drain or even a burst pipe. Always discard pet products in the trash bin.

3. Watch Out for Diggers

Dogs tend to dig in the yard. While you likely discourage this to keep your grass looking neat, preventing this habit can also save your sewer line. If your dog gets too deep or happens to find a sewer, they can leave cracks and dents, or otherwise damage the system. If this happens, you could face much more costly repairs than a simple clogged drain.

Keep your home’s drains functional by adhering to these simple tips. If you happen to get a clogged drain anyway, get professional drain repair or general drain service from American Rooter. Based in Watertown, CT, they have been the go-to plumbing experts for Connecticut and Rhode Island since 1980. Their range of services includes underground drainage survey, sewer excavation, installation, and even water jetting. For more information, visit their website or call (860) 274-7338 today.
