
While biting on your nails will often make them jagged or uneven, engaging in the habit could also send you to the dentist. Nail biting can cause injury to the entire mouth, which is why it is beneficial to quit the practice. Here, the cosmetic dentistry practitioners at Four Corners Dental Group in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, discuss the risks of the activity and how to stop. 

Why You Should Avoid Nail Biting 

1. Worn Teeth 

When you bite your nails, the stress from the repetitive motion wears down your enamel. Persistent nail chewing may result in cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. You are also more likely to develop bruxism, a condition in which you grind your teeth, causing them to become flattened, loose, or fractured. If you feel pain in your front teeth or see a crack, talk to your dentist. 

2. Damaged Gums 

IAnchorage Dentistf your nails are sharp, long, or broken off in places, they are more likely to cut your gums. Gum lesions cause sore and swollen tissue, which is painful and often leads to bleeding. Your gums may also be sensitive until the damage heals, which can affect your eating habits and brushing routine. 

3. Bacterial Infection 

Placing your fingers in your mouth transfers millions of germs to your oral cavity. Cuts in the gums will also easily absorb hand bacteria. Avoid colds, dental conditions like gingivitis, and illnesses that infect the bloodstream by washing your hands regularly and keeping them out of your mouth.

You can also avoid damage by keeping your nails cut short and applying a bitter polish to the surface. While you try to stop biting, work on identifying what causes you to do it. If stress or worry lead to the habit, consider adopting relaxation techniques. Meditation or deep breathing may be a worthwhile replacement. You can also play with silly putty, chew a piece of sugar-free gum, or squeeze a stress ball. 

By practicing excellent oral health habits at home and partnering with a skilled family and cosmetic dentistry team, you can prevent dental injuries and illnesses. To make an appointment for preventative or restorative care with a caring dentist, call Four Corners Dental Group in Anchorage at (907) 258-3384 or dial (907) 376-2790 for their Wasilla location. For information about their treatments and services, including dental crowns and dentures, visit their website. For information about their emergency dentist and laser dentistry services, follow them on Facebook
