
Next time your little one is reluctant to practice oral hygiene, you may be able to change their minds by talking about how their teeth compare to that of their favorite animals. Many children are fascinated to learn that most living creatures, including insects, have some form of teeth. To help you pique your kid’s interest in dental care, Pedodontic Associates, a children’s dentist on Maui and Oahu, HI, highlights a few interesting facts about animal teeth.

Children’s Dentist Compares Human & Animal Teeth


By the time your child is an adult, they should have around 32 teeth. Each is designed to perform a unique function that can help humans consume a variety of nutritious foods. For example, the straight teeth at the front of the mouth, known as incisors, help with biting, while the pointy canine teeth are designed to shred and tear into food. But while every person has the same general layout, your little one may be surprised to learn that, just like fingerprints, no human tooth is identical.


Like humans, dogs have two sets of teeth during their lifetime. However, their baby teeth are lost early in life when puppies reach about four months of age. Also like people, these four-legged friends require regular brushing to prevent oral health problems, such as cavities and gum disease.

children's dentistElephants

Apart from their trunks, elephants are distinguished by their impressively large tusks, which are actually teeth. While they may not be used for biting and chewing, elephants will use these gargantuan features to dig, fend off predators, and gather food.


If your child doesn’t enjoy the process of losing their baby teeth, they may find comfort in knowing that they aren’t sharks. These predatory marine creatures never run out of teeth. Instead, they lose about one tooth each week and grow a new one in its place.

Rabbits & Rodents

If you have a pet rabbit, mouse, or hamster, your child might wonder why they must always chew on hard toys and wood. Because rodent teeth never stop growing, these animals must gnaw on hard objects to trim their teeth down to a comfortable level.

While dental care comes naturally for most animals, you might have to convince your little one that humans need professional help to keep their smiles healthy. To comfortably introduce your child to the world of dentistry, turn to the children’s dentists at Pedodontic Associates. This dental office is known for making oral hygiene fun, gentle, and kid-friendly. Visit Honolulu’s best children’s dentist online to learn more about their unique approach to care. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 735-1733 for the Honolulu office, (808) 487-7933 for Aiea, and (808) 877-0066 for Kahului.
