
Dental cavities can sneak up on people in a big way, causing everything from temporary sensitivity to all-out pain that won’t subside. Fortunately, dentists can resolve cavities by removing the decay and filling the area with either silver amalgam or tooth-colored composite resin material. Here is a brief guide to what cavities are, how they form, and what you can do about the problem. 

Understanding Cavity Formation

What Are Dental Cavities?

Simply put, cavities are a hole in the surface of your tooth that exposes underlying dentin, blood vessels, or even internal dental nerves. Because they expose the sensitive interior portions of the tooth, cavities can be exceptionally painful and pave the way for tooth infections and gum abscesses. Cavities are incredibly common, with 9 in 10 adults reporting that they have had a cavity at some point in their lives. 

How Do Cavities Form?  

dentistCavities form as a result of oral bacteria, which emits acids as it grows in the mouth. These acids demineralize the surface of dental enamel, allowing the area to degrade on a microscopic level. Cavities can also collect food particles, perpetuating decay. Cavity formation occurs when plaque and tartar collect on the teeth as a result of poor brushing, flossing, and rinsing habits. To prevent cavities, patients should eat a healthy diet, try to avoid sugary or starchy foods, brush their teeth diligently, floss daily, and meet with their dentist regularly for professional teeth cleanings. 


If you suspect that you are struggling with undiagnosed dental cavities, don’t delay making your next dentist appointment. At Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas, KY, they work hard to make the entire dental care process as pain-free and relaxing as possible, helping you to improve the health and appearance of your teeth. To learn more about this dentist and their practice, visit them online or give them a call at (859) 441-1900.
