
Braces are an effective form of orthodontics used to correct the misalignment of teeth. While they are among the most popular solutions to address cosmetic or functional alignment issues, you will have to make some sacrifices while wearing them. Oftentimes, this information is shared by orthodontists after they have been applied, but sometimes details can be missed. Here, the team from Hawaii Orthodontist explains everything you should expect.

What You Should Know Before You Get Braces

You’ll Need to Avoid Certain Foods

bracesTo prevent food from damaging your braces, you’ll need to avoid certain items. Stay away from sticky foods like gum and caramel, as well as hard or crunchy items like pretzels, popcorn, and ice. Anything you’d have to bite into, like corn on the cob or whole apples, should also be avoided.

You May Experience Discomfort

Braces apply pressure to the teeth to gradually bring them into proper alignment. This process can cause some discomfort, and in addition to soreness after they are first applied, you may also experience some pain with each adjustment. Nonetheless, the majority of patients can alleviate considerable soreness with over-the-counter pain medications.  

Straight Teeth Are a Lifelong Commitment

After your braces come off, you’ll receive instructions to wear your retainers. Many patients ask how long the retainers must be worn and are surprised to find out they should actually be used indefinitely. While you likely won’t have to keep them in around the clock, wearing retainers regularly prevents teeth from assuming their previous position and undoing your braces’ hard work.

If your dentist has recommended braces for you, Hawaii Orthodontist can help you figure out which type will work best. As a leading provider of orthodontic appliances in Honolulu and Waipahu, HI, they have helped countless children, teens, and adults achieve beautiful, straight smiles. Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about what to expect from orthodontics by calling (808) 947-3737. Visit their office online to learn more about their services.
