
Your dentist will do everything they can to keep you comfortable during and after your filling, but after you leave the office, it’s up to you to care for your smile. When you leave the Chinook Family Dentistry office in Anchorage, AK, you can ensure proper healing and reduced discomfort by following some simple instructions. Below, their dentists explain a few do’s and don’ts below for eating after your filling appointment.


Chew carefully.

Your teeth will be sensitive, so the pressure of chewing can cause discomfort. Minimize this by chewing slowly and taking small bites. Keep your mouth closed as you chew as inhaling cold air can also trigger pain. It may take you longer to eat, but you’ll find you are a lot more comfortable.

dentistStick to moderate temperatures.

Extreme temperatures tend to aggravate a sensitive tooth. Keep comfortable by avoiding particularly hot or cold foods. If you need a cup of coffee or can’t avoid a company pizza party, give the food or beverage plenty of time to cool down before enjoying it.

Gradually return to a normal diet.

Immediately after your appointment, you’ll want to stick to healthy, moderately warm, and easy-to-chew foods. Over the following week, gradually start including your favorite foods. If you still feel sensitive at the end of the week, call your dentist to ask if you need to come back in.


Eat sweets.

The sugar in candy, soft drinks, and other sugary foods can aggravate an already sensitive tooth. Sugar is also the main culprit of bacteria growth and cavities. If that sugar isn’t properly brushed out of teeth, it could lead to bacterial growth around and under your new filling.

Chew hard items.

A filling needs time to set, and biting down on something hard can dislodge it before it is secure. Avoid hard foods such as ice, hard candy, nuts, and seeds. You’ll also find that biting down hard can be painful after a filling, so listen to your body if your food is causing discomfort.

Eat sticky foods.

Just like a hard item, chewy or sticky foods can dislodge your new filling. Do not chew gum for a few days after your appointment. Avoid other sticky foods such as taffy, caramel, or dried fruit.

When you need a filling or are experiencing tooth pain, trust the team at Chinook Family Dentistry to handle your dental care for you. Dr. Symonds and Dr. Lathrop have served the community with preventive and cosmetic dentistry services for more than 35 years. Call (907) 272-8422 to schedule an appointment with a skilled dentist, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
