
If you have a vision impairment but don’t want to wear glasses, contact lenses might be an option worth looking into. However, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the various types of contacts. The friendly eye doctors at Northern Lights Eye Care in Anchorage, AK, are here to discuss the differences between hard and soft contacts, so you can determine which is best for your lifestyle and vision needs.


contact lensesHard contacts are gas permeable lenses that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea while maintaining their shape on the eye. One of the main benefits of this type of lens is that it can help slow the development of nearsightedness. They are also durable and easy to care for and can correct astigmatism if worn regularly. However, these types of contact lenses can scratch and accumulate debris easily, so it’s best to handle them with caution and soak them in solution regularly.


The main advantage of soft contacts over hard ones is that they are more comfortable to wear. Unlike hard contacts which can easily dislodge from the center of the eye and require consistent wear to feel comfortable, soft lenses can stay in place. The lens is designed from a plastic that is combined with water to allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. While soft contact lenses can also treat a variety of vision-related conditions, they have a higher rate of infection and are less durable than hard contacts.

If you’re overdue for your next eye exam or contact lens fitting, turn to Northern Lights Eye Care in Anchorage. The premier vision care center offers a wide range of services—from comprehensive eye exams to surgery and glasses fittings—and are committed to improving the eyesight of their patients. Call (907) 276-3937 today to schedule an eye exam, and visit their website to learn more about getting contact lenses.
