
With days getting significantly warmer during summer, most people prefer to stay indoors and turn up their air conditioning. However, running your AC all day leads to more energy consumption and higher electric bills. According to Mountain Air & Heating, an HVAC contractor in Clarkesville, GA, there are several ways to manage energy use and save money while staying cool.

HVAC Contractor Lists 5 Ways to Save Energy During Summer

1. Put Your Window Coverings To Work

hvac contractorSunlight coming through the windows heats up your home, so keep your blinds and curtains drawn during the hottest part of the day. By blocking the sunlight, window coverings reduce the amount of heat transfer. Open your windows at night when it gets cooler and close them in the morning to capture cold air.

2. Use Fans

Portable and ceiling fans help cold air circulate inside so your AC doesn’t have to work as hard. They are effective at cooling the room and keeping you comfortable without the need to lower the thermostat. You can also run box fans in open windows to increase air circulation throughout your home. 

3. Invest in a Smart Thermostat

A smart or programmable thermostat automatically adjusts your settings to maximize energy efficiency. If you have a regular schedule, set it to lower the temperature or turn the AC off when you’re gone. Keep heat-generating devices away from the thermostat so it can get accurate readings.

4. Maintain Your AC 

There are several common issues that can cause your AC to work harder than it needs to. Change the filters regularly to prevent it from becoming clogged with hair, dust, and other debris. If you notice any unusual noises or see an unexpected increase in your energy bills, call a professional for a repair or replacement.

5. Unplug Unused Electronics

Even when they’re not in use, appliances and devices can continue to draw power. Some electronics, such as computer towers and cable boxes, can also generate heat while they’re plugged in. Use power strips on electronics to cut off the circuit with one switch.  

When your AC needs a tune-up, repair, or replacement, trust the experts at Mountain Air & Heating. Since 1996, they have been helping Clarkesville homeowners stay comfortable. They also specialize in heat pumps and furnace repair. Call (706) 754-0075 to schedule an appointment with an HVAC contractor or visit their website for more information.
