
May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, which means it’s the perfect time of year to focus your attention on your health and wellness. No matter what age you are, the sports medicine experts at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI, say that devoting time out of your schedule each week to strength training and cardio exercise can make all the difference in improving your quality of life.

3 Important Benefits of Physical Fitness

1. Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Exercise can naturally improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. Whether you lift weights or take a cycling class, your brain releases endorphins, which produce feelings of euphoria and alleviate pain.

2. Aid in Weight Loss

sports medicineIn addition to your diet, leading an active lifestyle can help you lose fat and maintain a healthy weight. It’s recommended that a person work out at least four to five times a week to burn calories, which aids in weight loss. You can also apply this to everyday life — for example, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and it is a problem that can be prevented with physical fitness. Working out increases blood circulation and strengthens the heart, which in turn helps the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time athlete, accidents happen. To ensure you recover quickly from a sports injury, it’s important to have an orthopedic doctor you can turn to for quality care. IMUA Orthopedics Sports & Health is the premier orthopedic health center in Honolulu, HI, offering a wide range of sports medicine treatments and services. Give them a call today at (808) 521-8170 to speak with a friendly representative, or visit their website for more information about the sports medicine clinic and their services.
